SGFilm YouTube Channel Launches

This should have happened YEARS ago, Singapore! But I am elated it does now: = Short films from Singapore, by Singaporeans, finally ready to be viewed by the world, beyond the confines of film festivals.

Sure, you've got to recoup your investments, but that is the "business" aspect of your film (and whatever "celluloid dreams" local filmmakers would have are always bludgeoned down by the "lack-of-budget") … but what if only a limited number of folks watch your film? Then you are perpetrating a minor "injustice" to the folks who had worked on it, IMHO .. and by that, I mean "short films" specifically.

I've always felt SG "short films" did better than most of their full-length counterparts. You could argue with me until the cows come home to be made into hamburgers, but I will reserve my comments on features (been too long since I "talked shop" and I've kept away from the industry for years to be able to speak about it lol), and instead give a sharp salute now to the short-form films!

Do Not Let Them Be Missed By The World, please. If Singapore's "filmmaking" ability is only judged by our full length features, then that would be indeed an injustice to the industry and craft, IMHO.

Alas the videos cannot be embedded, so you'd have to go direct to the channel to view them LOL

The last time this blog was updated was in 2008, and has sonic languished into pathetic obscurity (where it still remains now) as there was literally nothing to show, but for trailers. C'mon, the moving visual medium, needs to have "moving visuals", right? LOL

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